Product line Deburrix®-HP High Precision:
Deburrix® HP-1500 IOM

Robotic deburring cell Deburrix® HP-1500 IOM, designed for larger batch sizes, for precision components with very high precision requirements.

The HP-1500 IOM (Integrated Optical Measurement) series combines precision deburring with integrated optical component measurement. The highly accurate optical measuring unit has a repeatability of +/- 1 μm. This series enhances autonomy, flexibility, and quality in the deburring process. The intelligent, flexible software manages measurement data, and a database interface ensures absolute component traceability.

This series can be combined with various deburring tools, data collection systems, and component cleaning systems.

Price: On request

Reproducible inline optical measurement sets a high standard for the cleanliness of the components and the measurement environment.

Each component is measured inline after the deburring process, and measurement data is stored directly in the customer database.

Compatible tools

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