APEX offers various deburring systems tailored to your needs.
Differences between HF and HP:
The HF and HP product lines vary based on the component processing requirements. Both product lines are available in different configurations. The innovative deburring tools by APEX, precision component measurement systems, management of sister tools, tool measurement, data collection, and an efficient cleaning system with a filtering unit are compelling features.

Product line Deburrix®-HF High Flexibility:
Deburrix® HF-1000
The Deburrix®-HF (High Flexibility) product line is tailored for smaller batch sizes and high flexibility regarding product variants, ideally suited for the One-Piece-Flow principle.

Product line Deburrix®-HF High Flexibility:
Deburrix® HF-1500
The HF product line can be combined with various deburring tools, data acquisition systems, part cleaning facilities, as well as torque motors for rotating the component to enhance machining accessibility.

Product line Deburrix®-HP High Precision:
Deburrix® HP-1500
The Deburrix®-HP (High Precision) product line is designed for larger batch sizes with very high precision requirements for the deburring process.
The intuitive operability and clear status visualization with a touch display allow for quick integration into operations.

Product line Deburrix®-HP High Precision:
Deburrix® HP-1500 DUO
The Deburrix® HP-1500 DUO (High Precision) product line is designed for larger manufacturing batch sizes with very high precision requirements for the components. Maximum autonomy and a wide range of equipment options, as well as increased flexibility, are convincing features.

Product line Deburrix®-HP High Precision:
Deburrix® HP-1500 IOM
The Deburrix® HP-1500 IOM (Integrated Optical Measurement) product line is designed for larger manufacturing batch sizes with very high precision requirements for the components. Maximum autonomy and integrated optical component measurement provide increased flexibility and quality.